Posted by WhyDoes on Apr - 19 - 2017 - Comments Off on Why Does The Moon Change Shape?
Moon in our solar system does not shine by its own light but in fact it is visible to us on earth because it reflects light from the sun, this phenomenon is known as moon’s Albedo. Albedo is basically the reflecting power of a surface and it is measured on a scale of 0 to 1; 0 means low reflection and 1 means high or low reflection. Our Moon’s average […]
Posted by WhyDoes on Apr - 19 - 2011 - Comments Off on Why Does Alcohol Effect Driving
Driving and alcohol is a hostile combination. In United States of America the rate of deaths and injuries caused due to drunk drivers is very high. Several preventive measures such as establishing DWI courts, suspending or revoking driver licenses, impounding or confiscating vehicle plates, impounding or immobilizing vehicles, enforcing open container bans, increasing penalties such as fines or jail for drunk driving, mandating alcohol education, safety seat belts, air bags […]
Posted by WhyDoes on Apr - 19 - 2011 - Comments Off on Why Does Copper Turn Green?
The metal copper is made up of Cu (metal atoms) and is a very common metal that is used by humans in different ways. In its natural form copper is pinkish or peachy colored. Like other metals for instance iron copper also undergoes the process of oxidation. Oxidation is basically a process in which chemical changes take place when a substance is exposed to the elements present in air. In […]
Posted by WhyDoes on Apr - 19 - 2011 - Comments Off on Why Does Earth Rotate?
According to the Nebular Hypothesis sun is a cooling and rotating nebula and our planet earth has been formed as a result of solidification of a ring along with eight other such rings thrown by it. Theory of nebular hypothesis was put forward by German philosopher, Kant and French mathematician, Laplace. But according to the Jeans and Jeffery theory proposed in 1925 two nebulae are involved in the creation of […]
Posted by WhyDoes on Apr - 19 - 2011 - Comments Off on Why Does My Pinky Finger Bend?
We see people around us who have bent pinky fingers some have more bent fingers then others; it is a medical condition and is commonly known as Camptodactyly. Usually people suffering from Camptodctyly have ancestors whose fingers are bent and that explains it being a hereditary condition. Defining the Condition The condition Camptodactyly is explained as a flexion deformity (disfiguration) of the finger. People who have Camptodctyly syndrome have one […]
Posted by WhyDoes on Apr - 19 - 2011 - Comments Off on Why Does Smoking Cause a Rise in Blood Pressure
Doctors and medical experts all around the world strongly oppose the habit of smoking as it has been found to be a serious threat to human health. Researches in the medical field have proved that several hostile diseases such as stenosis, strokes, cancer and malfunctioning of the cardiovascular system are also caused due to the bad habit of smoking. High blood pressure is also a result of excessive smoking. High […]
Posted by Shenron on Dec - 9 - 2009 - Comments Off on Why Does One Need to Relax
Relaxation — it seems such an easy thing to do, yet for many people the meaning of the world is lost. What is the first thing to learn in trying to relax? The first thing to learn whenever you are going to do something is to know the roots of a problem. If you ask me how I would get rid of my tension then I would have to know […]
Posted by Shenron on Nov - 19 - 2009 - Comments Off on Why does one need high-fiber food
Until recently, fiber was considered a necessary part of everyone’s diet mainly because it promoted intestinal regularity. Lack of enough fiber could cause constipation — nothing more. But medical researchers have begun to find additional important reasons for including in everyday meals enough foods that are high in fiber. Recent evidence points to the possibility that a low-fiber diet may be a factor in the high incidence of certain illnesses, […]
Posted by WhyDoes on Nov - 16 - 2009 - Comments Off on Why Does Swine Flu Kill
Swine flu has caused worldwide panic and may have caused absolute ban on pork were it not for a quick massive information campaign. Even in the United and Europe, swine flu is little understood, and may have gone unnoticed without informed media campaign. Swine flu flared up showing symptoms pretty much like your average flu. What gets health authorities heads reeling is the utter unreliability of death figures. According to […]
Posted by WhyDoes on Nov - 16 - 2009 - Comments Off on Why Does My Skin Peel
A skin peeling session sounds like a very appealing invitation to people with rough and pockmarked cheeks. But to those with well toned- fair skin, skin peeling is not only pointless—it can even cause doubts. A peeling skin can be viewed in many ways, depending on where you’re coming from. So long as it doesn’t come with the great itch and blisters, you might even have a go at it. […]