We’ve seen cats massaging people. We’ve also seen cats playing with mice. Cats have done a lot of things that no ordinary pets can. But, really, when cats knead, do they actually mean it? Cats making biscuits Cat’s kneading is called “making biscuits.”  When you have a litter at home, you can observe that when a kitten is nursing it kneads its paws against its mother’s. The kitty does this […]

Categories: Animals

When cats and babies cry, you can barely tell them apart. Many people have been punked and pranked by this.  Cats, like all animals including you and me, cry for certain reasons. Why cats cry In the case of cats, they don’t always cry because they’re hungry for food. In many cases they cry because they’re hungry for a sexual partner, especially during their mating season.  It’s strange but cats […]

Categories: Animals

Although the term loyal dog doesn’t apply to cats for very obvious reasons, cats are more affectionate than dogs. Cats are moody, yes, but when they take to liking you, they follow you everywhere. Because cats are nimble and agile, they have no trouble bouncing from one surface to  another. Dogs can’t do that. But what makes cats follow us around? Cats and their social circle Cats are not only […]

Categories: Animals

Cats are like family: they can cry like babies, snuggle up in your bed like little sister, and they can sneeze like mom. Even when cats sneeze they do it with poise. Like you and me, cats sneeze for many reasons. Like you and me, however, cats can spread virus by sneezing. An ordinary cat sneeze caused by dust on your window brings no diseases. Your cat may sneeze with […]

Categories: Animals

You know your pet dog best, so when it barks you know what’s behind it. But for those who don’t have any pet dogs, it’s pretty difficult to tell. To many, a dog barking means nothing more than, well, a dog barking. For all the many meanings people think of when dogs bark, experts say there are real reasons why dogs do them.   Some of these are: 1. Anxiety. Dogs […]

Categories: Animals

They say everything that has teeth will bite. Dogs may bite out of aggression or play– that much you know. But according to experts, there are three reasons why dogs bite: 1. Antisocial behavior. Your dog is probably tied down to a leash all the time, so it doesn’t have any friends. Some owners treat their dogs like body guards so early on in their puppy days, these dogs are […]

Categories: Animals

When dogs are depressed, they either bark or cry. Another word for it is yelp. When dogs cry, it’s a bit different from barking, but more like a howl. When dogs cry, they do so for several reasons, and the reasons are pretty much the same as the reasons why they bark. Reasons why dogs cry Your dog could be crying because of one or several of these reasons: 1. […]

Categories: Animals

As man’s best friend, dogs get special attention almost everywhere. That’s when they’re being nice. But even the friendliest of dogs can have a bad day. This is when they howl, cry, or do crazy things. Sometimes dogs dig in the ground for some reason—you should  exclude the possibility of cats burrowed in the ground here. Many reasons cause dogs to dig in the ground. Since you are not a […]

Categories: Animals

Getting a dog lick gives you a far better feeling than getting a bite. You never see a dog stick its tongue out if it’s angry or upset. Dog licking is a form of body language. You see your dog lick at things all the time and it apparently looks harmless. Sometimes you catch your dog licking unpleasant things, especially those that smell bad. On rare occasions, moreover, you might […]

Categories: Animals

We’ve heard of dingoes stealing babies, but of chocolates killing dogs? Uh-huh. You’re pulling my leg, aren’t you? Not at all:  And it’s not even bad publicity for chocolate makers. Chocolates could kill dogs. Theobromine on humans You can say only the best things about this chocolate compound called theobromine. It is known as a stimulant, which explains that good feeling you get after taking a bite out of that […]

Categories: Animals
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